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Meet The Team

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Hayden Green

Bryan Green

Bryan Green, PT is a graduate of Texas State University at San Marcos and has worked in outpatient orthopedic and home health settings. His work experiences have allowed him to learn from talented members of the Austin, San Antonio, and Oklahoma City physical therapy communities. Within the orthopedic and home health settings, he is trained in a variety of techniques but is best known as a biomechanical and soft tissue specialist with a focus on osteopathic techniques and postural dysfunctions such as scoliosis. Integrating research and clinical practice for the greatest effectiveness is one of his passions. 




Hayden Green, PTA is a graduate of OCCC, has additional training as a yoga instructor, and is a licensed massage therapist. She pulls from her vast experience with bodywork to create a healing experience crafted for each individual. Helping others is her greatest passion.



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